Welcome to my 31 week blog on expressing colostrum during pregnancy. So instead of writing loads, this week I decided to do a summary video of my thoughts and experiences from when I started expressing colostrum at week 27 of pregnancy to date. In the video I don't talk about techniques for expressing colostrum, colostrum FAQs or top tips etc as there's lots of other very informative videos already online, so no need to cover it off again! You can watch my video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/6Qt3hH-BZ1U My Colostrum Harvesting Diary at Week 31 of Pregnancy - Week commencing 19th January 2021 My last day of expressing was 17th January 2021. 19th January - Hand expressed 5.7ml of colostrum. About 10mins per side in the evening. 20th & 21st January - I did not feel the need to express. 22nd January - Hand expressed 7.4ml of colostrum. About 10mins per side. This evening, I had a short 5 min break between 2x expressing sessions, both 5 mins each. ...
I started expressing colostrum from week 27 of my second pregnancy when I experienced breast discomfort. I have continued to express, store and keep a diary of my colostrum harvesting as a record of my experience for other women to read. There simply isn't any significant information out there for women who are researching antenatal colostrum expressing at such an early stage of a healthy low risk pregnancy.